Emma M. Helmrich
Muller, George B. birth record
George B. Muller is listed on line 311 of the Springfield Mass. birth registry as "George H. Miller." We know from other documentation that George Muller was born on May 29, 1882 in Springfield MA, and according to this registry there were only four babies born in Springfield that day, so although the name is slightly wrong this record must be him. His father (Henry J. "Miller") was a confectioner born in Germany, and his mother (Emma M. "Miller," nee Helmrich) was born in Hartford CT.
File name | George B Muller 1882 Birth Record possibility.jpg |
File Size | 1.52m |
Dimensions | 3728 x 3388 |
Linked to | Muller, George B. birth record; Emma M. Helmrich; George Berthal Muller; Henry J. Muller |